Friday, October 11, 2013

First Grade Week In Review

What a wonderful week we've had!

Please remember to support your student by checking to see what homework they have each night in their homework folder. There will be 1 page per night on Monday - Thursday. Please remove the completed work (it will have a check and a sticker). If there are things that need to be fixed on homework I will send that home as well with a note explaining what fixes need to be made.

First a huge Kol HaKavod to our first graders for leading Mah Tovu at all school Tefillah these past 2 weeks.

In Fundations we have now mastered 23 letter / sound connections and we have been applying them to our reading. We truly put the FUN in Fundations with all of the different ways we study the letters; we write them on white boards, we skywrite them with our hands, we draw them with our entire bodies, and manipulate them as tiles on the magnetic boards.

Who knew math could be so much fun? Here are some pictures of students playing Make a Train Race. Try to play the game at home!
Make a Train Race
You will need:

  • unifix cubes (You probably don't have these at home! You can use anything small that you have a reasonable quantity of, i.e. paper clips, pretzels, coins, baby carrots as long as they are all about the same size) 
  • a precut piece of yarn (about a yard) 
  • dice
Play with a partner. The first person rolls a die and makes a train with that many cubes (or available object). They lay the cubes on one side of the yarn (at the end of the yarn.) The next person repeats and lays the cubes on the other side of the yarn. The child repeats, adding the cubes to his/her side of the yarn and saying out loud the numbers they are adding together. The winner is the first person to get to the end of the yarn.

This has been HaMorah Jaime's Week in Review, and now I would like to share Nir's Week in Review:

Shabbat Shalom,
HaMorah Jaime

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